Tag Archives: nutmeg

Satisfying Apple Pie Smoothie Bowl (vegan and dairy-free)

dairy-free apple pie smoothie

Looking for an apple pie smoothie? I have just the recipe for you! Spring has had a rather faulty start so far around here (with more “spring” snow and snowstorms than I can even remember), so I haven’t had my go-to breakfast, smoothies, on the brain much. But the warm-ish temperatures announced for this weekend […]

Pumpkin Pie Energy Balls (gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, vegan)

Why am I offering this pumpkin energy balls recipe in July? It’s very uncommon for me to eat, and even rarer for me to post on this blog, a recipe that calls for ingredients so out of season as pumpkin. This time of year we’re craving greens, fresh herbs, vegetables of every kind, strawberries, cherries, […]

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