Tag Archives: chia

Satisfying Apple Pie Smoothie Bowl (vegan and dairy-free)

dairy-free apple pie smoothie

Looking for an apple pie smoothie? I have just the recipe for you! Spring has had a rather faulty start so far around here (with more “spring” snow and snowstorms than I can even remember), so I haven’t had my go-to breakfast, smoothies, on the brain much. But the warm-ish temperatures announced for this weekend […]

Coconut-Vanilla Chia Breakfast Pudding with Cherry-Rhubarb Compote (dairy-, gluten- and grain-free)

Coconut-Vanilla Chia Pudding with Cherry-Rhubarb Compote

If you’ve ever tried chia breakfast pudding, you’re probably in one of two camps. You love it, or you hate it. Chia pudding usually consists of small black or white chia seeds, soaked in a liquid, until the seeds plump up. Chia seeds absorb up to 10+ times their weight in volume. You can add […]

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