Tag Archives: ice cream

Simple & Yummy Vegan Coconut Soft Serve with Strawberries & Banana

Vegan Strawberry Banana Coconut Soft Serve

I have some sad news, friends. We’re coming up on the tail end of our local strawberry season around here so you better get yours before they’re gone. But put away your ice cream maker because you won’t need it for this yummy Vegan Strawberry Banana Coconut Soft Serve. Why is choosing organic strawberries important? […]

Basil Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (dairy-free)

Basil Chocolate Chip ice cream (dairy-free)

I’m sharing this recipe because there’s a chance that one day someone who’s adventurous (crazy?) like me, who loves to throw ingredients normally expected in savoury dishes into sweet desserts, just might love this little ice cream recipe as much as I do. Chocolate + fresh basil + coconut milk + sweetener = the best […]

5 Easy Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

5 Super Easy Ways to Eat Better (while saving TONS of money!)

Want to eat better while also saving money? Join the club! Fortunately, it’s often a myth that eating healthy has to cost a lot of money. Here are five super easy ways to eat healthy on a budget. With processed foods looking attractive to anyone on a budget ($1 for dinner!), it may sometimes be […]

How to Make Full-Flavoured, Rich, Creamy Ice Cream… without any dairy!

It’s no surprise to any of my friends that coconut is one of my favourite ingredients. And for good reason: it tastes so good in so many things! Sure, you may have had it in soups, in cookies, in desserts, in drinks, maybe even in salads… but in ice cream? In ice cream, coconut milk […]

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