Tag Archives: self-trust

7 Powerful Visualization Techniques to Develop Your Intuition

Visualization techniques how to develop intuition

Ready to develop your intuition with powerful visualization techniques? Visualization techniques are an effective, powerful way to tap into your inner knowing and strengthen your intuitive abilities. These powerful visualization practices can help you develop your intuition. They allow you to gain clarity. You will be able to trust yourself on a whole new level. […]

What is Intuition (plus how to develop your intuition with proven tips and practices!)

7 Proven Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition

Are you wondering “what is intuition”? And do you want to learn how to develop your intuition with proven tips and practices that work? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I consider intuition to be the #1 language that most of us would benefit from learning and practicing. Some of you will know that […]

5+ Keys to Intuitive Eating (or How to Meditate While You Eat!)

tips for intuitive eating plus exercises

What is Intuitive Eating Have you heard about intuitive eating? Wondering what intuitive eating is? So many of my clients confess they don’t have time to meditate. Whether you’re parenting, running a household or a non-profit, or simply working full-time trying to heal from lifetimes of inter-generational trauma, it can be hard to find time […]

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