Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt the “heavy” energy lingering from an argument that happened hours ago? Or have you felt completely drained after spending time with a particularly negative person?
I certainly have, and let me tell you: learning about energy cleansing changed everything for me.
I was in university when I realized how much energy affects us. Working in a shoe store in a busy mall, I would rush to the mall after class for my shifts.
After an especially hectic evening shift, I felt like I was carrying the weight of a hundred stressed-out customers on my shoulders. It didn’t feel possible to have such a heavy load on my shoulders.
The next day, I could barely even get up. However, I wasn’t physically exhausted; it was something else. I wish I had known then that it was a wake-up call to take my energetic well-being seriously.
Just like we shower to maintain our physical hygiene, we need to maintain our energetic hygiene. Energy cleansing offers some all-important tools and practices. It helps to clear away the energetic debris we pick up throughout our day.
In our increasingly connected (some would say chaotic!) world, energy cleansing isn’t just “fun” or “optional”… it’s essential. Especially if we want to maintain optimal health and well-being (and that’s why you’re here, right?).
How I Became an Energy Cleansing Convert
I write this having spent 30+ years as a non-believer… and now I’m an energy healer. What a 180°!
I want to share two stories that helped make me a “believer” in energy and energy cleansing.
Now keep in mind that I had these experiences long before I had a spiritual bone in my body.
However, these experiences taught me that energy cleansing can be an undeniably powerful tool.
1. My Smoke Cleansing Experience
In the first case, I was buying my first house on my own. I had been house-hunting for months and finally found “THE ONE”. It needed a lot of renovations (mostly cosmetic) but I saw its potential. I had a short closing date (by choice), but since it had good bones, I figured I’d have no issues securing financing.
Well, I was on the struggle bus to secure financing as a single, self-employed person.
And suddenly, the closing date was less than 24 hours away, and I still didn’t have financing in place!
I was panicking, especially since I had lost money on a previous real estate deal. I begged my amazing real estate agent to find out if we could schedule a final visit. Luckily, it was vacant.
My plan during that visit was to cleanse the house with smoke. And boy, did this work… and immediately!
I spent about 75 minutes cleansing the house. I used smoke and the intention to remove negative energy and call in positive energy.
After just 20 minutes, unbeknownst to me, my mortgage broker had called and left a message, saying: “You won’t believe this, but somehow your financing came through and is all set. You’re good to go!“
What. a. relief.
It was an estate sale and I later learned that there were family conflicts regarding the sale. There was loads more stuck energy that I had to clear, years later, when I sold that house myself. But I digress…
And the ONLY reason I decided to do this smoke cleansing was because of this second experience I’ll tell you about.
2. My Second Smoke Cleansing Experience
I was selling my former home before buying the one I just told you about. During the home prep, our agent arranged for a home stager to visit. Within seconds of entering our home, she said: “there are a lot of negative vibes associated with this house – you have to remove them if you want to sell it.”
Say what?
In hindsight, I wasn’t THAT surprised because the house had been a Power of Sale when we bought it. After buying it, we found out the previous owners had had financial issues from one of those nasty Nigerian scams I’m sure you’ve heard about. I also learned that many decades prior, the original owner had died while renovating it.
Those were circumstances that could leave residual energy. And those are just the ones I knew about!
Unfortunately, I had no idea about energy cleansing at the time. I thought it was all pretty hokey and truthfully, unbelievable. This was several years before I learned Reiki, and I didn’t have a clue how to start “removing the negative vibes” as the stager called them.
So, long story short, this girl did what any self-respecting elder millennial, eldest daughter would do and I did some Internet sleuthing (maybe like you’re doing right now?). I got the supplies to do a smoke cleanse because that seemed simple enough.
I had no idea what I was doing, and my attempt was probably half-assed. But I had nothing to lose: our house had been on the market for probably 4-5 months by then.
It worked on the first try, right? Well, not exactly…
But within 24 hours of doing that smoke cleanse, we had an offer to buy the house.
The problem was it was conditional upon the sale of the buyer’s home.
No big deal, it will sell quickly. Right?
Noooooooo. I wish!
Months went by while we waited for the buyer’s house to sell. Even though it was in a “hot market” and there wasn’t any “reason it shouldn’t sell quickly”. According to all the agents involved.
I was inspired to do another smoke cleansing. After all, I had nothing to lose and had had success with the first one… sort of?
Here’s the thing: when I did the initial smoke cleansing, we had guests at the time. So, I had only cleansed half of the house.
I pulled my supplies out and repeated the smoke cleanse protocol (or what I was guided to do).
The following day, a Monday at around 10 a.m., our offer firmed up and we were finally able to move.
These two personal experiences really showed me that energy cleansing (and a willingness to try) can make a whole world of difference.
Now, do I think energy cleansing will solve all your problems? Probably not.
Do I think it’s a highly underused tool for moving energy? Yes, absolutely. And in my two cases, a lifesaver!
What Is Energy Cleansing and Why Do We Need It
Before we dive into energy-cleansing tools and practices, let’s get clear about what we’re talking about.
Everything is energy. You, me, your pets, your plants, the device you’re reading this on, the chair you’re sitting in.
We’re constantly exchanging energy with our environment and the people around us. Some of these exchanges leave us feeling uplifted and energized. Others, however, can leave us feeling depleted and heavy.
You know that feeling when you walk into nature and suddenly feel lighter? Or when you step into your home after decluttering and sense a big shift?
That’s when you experience energy in its most practical form.
You don’t need to be psychic or particularly “woo-woo” to do energy cleansing. You just need to pay attention to how you feel.
The Science Behind Energy Cleansing
While energy cleansing might sound esoteric, there’s actually some science behind why these tools and practices work.
Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies. This is basic quantum physics. When we talk about energy cleansing, we’re talking about shifting and raising our vibrations.
Think about how you feel after a day at the beach.
That uplifted feeling isn’t just from the vacation vibes. It’s also partly due to the negative ions in the ocean air, which have been scientifically proven to boost mood and energy levels.
Many energy-cleansing practices, like spending time in nature, bathing in salt water, or using sound therapy, work on similar principles. And they help to reset your body’s electromagnetic field.
Understanding Energy Hygiene
To understand energy hygiene, think of your energy field as an invisible shield that surrounds and protects you.
Like a sponge, it absorbs and holds onto the energies you encounter. When you don’t clean your “energetic sponge”, it can start to feel clogged, heavy, or even toxic.
Here’s where energy cleansing practices come in.
These tools and techniques (and there are others beyond what I mention here) help you release what isn’t yours. This could include negative emotions, stress, or even other people’s energy. Your energy field is therefore free to hold only your own energy.
Signs You Need to Cleanse Your Energy
Practically speaking, I recommend learning to recognize when YOU need energy cleansing.
Not sure if you need energy cleansing? Here are some telltale signs of stuck or stagnant energy:
- You feel unusually tired or drained.
- You’ve been experiencing unexplained mood swings.
- Your sleep is restless or disrupted.
- You feel foggy, heavy, or stuck.
- You’re easily overwhelmed by others’ emotions.
- You’re having trouble paying attention or concentrating.
- You’re experiencing other unusual physical symptoms.
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Specific Energy Cleansing Techniques
Now that we’ve talked about what energy cleansing is, and some common signs you might need to do some, let’s explore some powerful energy cleansing methods in more detail.
I have organized these practices and rituals by type: energy cleansing using water, smoke, crystals, sound, and intention.
Whether you’re doing energy cleansing to clear your space, set intentions, or realign your energy field, the key is to approach it with reverence and gratitude. Anyone can do energy cleansing, but it should be treated as the sacred practice it is.
Why You Should Set Intentions Before You Begin
I want to mention how beneficial it is to set an intention before you begin ANY energy cleansing.
Your intention acts as a guiding force, aligning your energy and focus with the outcome you desire. Whether you’re clearing negativity, inviting peace, or boosting your power, setting a clear intention helps amplify your efforts.
Here are my helpful tips (and a powerful personal experience!) for setting intentions that work.
1. Water-based Practices
Water is one of the most accessible and powerful tools for energy cleansing. It naturally clears away stagnant energy and helps you reset.
Here are several ways to use it:
- Salt Baths
My personal favourite! Add a cup of Epsom or sea salt to your bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. I like to add calming music and a few drops of essential oil. I also LOVE to include flower essences. Rescue Remedy is a great choice, as is walnut flower essence. Dr. Bach recommended 7 drops per bath so that’s what I do.
Think of salt water as an energetic vacuum cleaner, pulling out any energy that doesn’t belong to you.
- Shower Visualization
No time for a bath? No problem. Turn your daily shower into an energy-cleansing ritual. As the water flows over your body, imagine it washing away all negativity.
You can use an affirmation like: “As this water cleanses me, I release all energy that does not serve my highest good.”
- Ocean or Lake Immersion
If you have access to natural bodies of water like an ocean, lake or flowing river, take advantage! These can be incredibly powerful for energy cleansing.
Water combined with negative ions creates a powerful cleansing effect.
2. Smoke-based Practices
Maybe you’ve heard the term “smudging” before? It’s used widely among many Indigenous cultures as a sacred ritual for purification, prayer, and spiritual connection.
It’s important to note that “smudging” is a specific ceremonial practice rooted in Indigenous traditions and should be approached with respect and cultural awareness.
Those of us outside these traditions can use the term “smoke cleansing” to describe similar rituals, without appropriating sacred practices.
What you need for smoke cleansing:
- Something to light your bundle with.
- Something to catch any embers from your smouldering bundle. Traditionally, a shell is common, but any heat- and fire-safe container should work.
- Your plant(s) of choice: White sage*, mugwort, cedar, rosemary, lavender, palo santo, or other plants are all great options. It goes without saying that burning poisonous or other toxic plants is not safe or recommended.
- I like to use a fan or found feathers to blow the smoke around my space.
*Indigenous cultures have used white sage for centuries for smudging. However, it’s become popular and its wild populations have become overharvested and depleted. I strongly encourage you to research and work with herbs and materials that are local to you, your environment and your culture.
Use plants with respect. I like to wildcraft my herbs when possible. When that’s not possible, be sure to purchase from conscious and ethical suppliers.

Just a few GIANT smoke cleansing bundles I put together in 2020… the bigger, the better right! This is mugwort, a herb I love to grow. Mugwort is used to cleanse your energy, increase intuition, and offer protection. You can also enjoy it as a tea to promote lucid dreaming.
How to Cleanse Your Space With Smoke
- Open all your windows and doors (yes, even in winter!) to allow any negative or unhelpful energy to leave your space easily. There is an old wives’ tale that if you don’t open your windows, the negative energy will do that for you – it can be that strong.
- Light your chosen plant or herb bundle, and let it smoulder. You may need to gently blow on it. You want it to burn slowly, with no flame.
- I first like to start by cleansing myself. Wave the smoke around your body, from head to toe. I like to say a mantra, prayer or affirmation out loud. For example: “I invite only positive, harmonious energy into this space.” I repeat this affirmation over and over during the smoke cleansing.
- Start at the front door of your home or space and move clockwise around each room.
- Pay special attention to corners and doorways. These areas commonly hold stuck energy. You may need to spend more time in these areas to fully cleanse the energy. If the energy is stagnant, you can also ring bells or even clap your hands to break it up. Use whatever tools you have!
3. Crystal-based Practices
Crystals can be powerful tools for energy cleansing. Here are some of my favourite crystals to help cleanse your energy, and how to use them.
- Black Tourmaline
Place chunks of tourmaline near your computer or other electronics. You can also place them in the corners of rooms to absorb negative energy. I keep a large raw chunk of black tourmaline on my desk behind my computer. Most of my energy healing sessions take place online, so it makes a noticeable difference in how I feel after long work sessions.
- Selenite
Use selenite wands to ‘comb’ through your energy field. I often do this before bed, and it feels like energetic detangling. You can also cleanse and recharge other crystals by placing them on a flat piece or “bed” of selenite.
- Clear Quartz
You can program clear quartz to maintain clean energy in your space.
To program quartz for energy cleansing, hold the crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and set a clear intention, such as, “This quartz is dedicated to cleansing and maintaining high-vibrational energy in my space.” See it cleanse and absorb the energy, and thank the crystal for its support. Place these around your home or office.
4. Sound-based Practices
For centuries, cultures worldwide have used sound as a powerful tool for energy cleansing, healing, and spiritual connections. Sound has a universal ability to shift and transform energy.
It’s not just about what you hear, though. Sound creates vibrations that run through the physical, mental, and energetic layers of your being. These soundwaves break up stagnant energy and allow your energetic body to naturally re-align itself.
Here are some powerful ways to incorporate sound healing into your energy-cleansing practice:
Sound-based Energy Cleansing
- Bells and Chimes
Bells and chimes are some of the simplest yet most effective sound-cleansing tools. Their bright, clear tones instantly cleanse, shift and uplift the energy in a space.
Pro tip: Choose your bells or chimes wisely. Higher-pitched ones can feel energizing, while lower tones can feel grounding.
- Rainstick
Rainsticks mimic the sound of falling rain, which makes them perfect for energy work (in my humble opinion!). I like to slowly tilt the rainstick back and forth in my hands and visualize the sound carrying away any stuck or negative energy. You can use these to clear your energy or the energy in a room.
- Singing Bowls
Singing bowls, whether crystal or metal, produce deep, resonant tones. They can help clear energy and ground it.
It can take a bit of practice to get the hang of things, but you can:
- Place the singing bowl on a flat surface.
- Gently strike the bowl with a mallet, or circle the mallet around the rim to create a continuous vibration.
- As the sound resonates, close your eyes and imagine the vibrations sweeping through your energy field.
And of course, I can’t forget to mention one of my favourite tools: your own voice!
Chanting, toning, or singing can all be profoundly healing. Don’t underestimate the cleansing power of your voice.

If you’re ready to learn more about sound healing, I created a free Sound Healing Guide just for you! Download it to discover free tolls and practical tips to help you use sound for energy cleansing and healing.
5. Intention-based Practices
Intention-based energy cleansing focuses on the power of your intentions to shift and clear energy. The beauty of this approach lies in its flexibility. You can tailor these practices to your personal preferences, beliefs, and needs.
Here are some ideas to try:
Return to Sender Visualization
This simple visualization technique helps you release energy that isn’t yours and send it back with love.
Here’s how to do it:
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself.
- Visualize a golden or white light surrounding you, creating a safe space.
- Say (out loud or in your mind): “I lovingly return all energy that does not belong to me, back to its original source. May it return with love and healing.“
- Imagine this unwanted energy gently leaving your body, flowing back to source. Picture yourself becoming lighter and more grounded.
- When you feel ready, thank the energy for its lessons. Close with a grounding affirmation like, “I am whole, clear, and fully aligned in my energy.“
This practice can be helpful after intense interactions, or when you feel overwhelmed.
Energetic Shield Ritual
Building an energetic shield is a proactive way to protect your energy throughout the day. This ritual creates a barrier between your energy and external energies, helping you stay grounded and unaffected by negative influences.
Here’s how to do it:
- Start this practice by setting an intention.
- Close your eyes and visualize a strong shield around your body. This shield can take any form you like. Maybe it’s a golden light, a bubble, a metal layer, or even an impenetrable cloak.
- As you breathe deeply, imagine this shield growing stronger with each inhale, radiating love, strength, and protection.
- Say an affirmation that reflects your intention, such as:
- “This shield keeps my energy clear and vibrant.”
- “I allow in only what serves my highest good.”
- “I am safe, grounded, and protected.”
- You can refresh this shield anytime during the day by taking a deep breath and visualizing it becoming stronger.
Energy Programming with Affirmations
Affirmations work as direct commands for your energy. You can use these to support and align your energy. Best of all, they can be spoken, written, or even repeated silently during meditation.
Here are a few affirmations to use with your energy-cleansing practices:
- “I release all energy that is not mine and reclaim my power.”
- “I am grounded, clear, and aligned with my highest vibration.”
- “I welcome positive energy and let go of anything that weighs me down.”
Combine affirmations with other cleansing techniques to boost the benefits.
Advanced Energy Cleansing Rituals
Creating your own advanced energy cleansing rituals is fun because you can combine different practices based on your goals and intentions.
I call these a “deep cleanse”, and they are good to do on a monthly or biweekly basis. Set your intention(s). You can do a smoke cleanse, or maybe some bells or singing bowls to clear yourself and your physical spaces. Refresh and charge your crystals.
I rarely use smoke-based energy cleansing in my office because my young son often visits. I also don’t use it before clients visit, especially if I know they’re sensitive to smells like smoke.
In these cases, I love to use my Home Sweet Home sacred room spray. I have a few scent options, but my top seller is my “In the Mood for Romance” essential oil combination.
You can end with a meditation or visualization, or my powerful Attitude of Gratitude sleep meditation.
It’s a good idea to experiment with different practices to see what works best for you.
You will also notice a huge difference when you are consistent with your energy-cleansing practices.
Empaths and Highly Sensitive People
If you’re an empath or highly sensitive person, regular and consistent energy cleansing is non-negotiable. Seriously. You pick up energy (and energy debris) more than others. You MUST make energy cleansing a priority!
Strengthen your empathetic boundaries with tools like regular energy cleansing, protective and powerful visualization techniques, and/or your favourite plants, essential oils, grounding crystals, etc.
This is especially critical if you feel rundown or experience physical health issues or complaints. You’ll be amazed at the impact that consistent energy cleansing can have!
Energy Cleansing as a Lifestyle
As you develop your energy cleansing practice, focus on the tools and techniques you enjoy.
Some days, a simple visualization will do. Other days, you might need a full ritual. Trust your intuition and honour what you and your energy need in the moment.
Your needs will change, and your practice should evolve with them.
The key is to experiment and find what works for you. What makes you feel clear, grounded, and protected? Those are your tools.
Your Next Steps to Cleanse Your Energy
Ready to try some of these energy-cleansing practices?
Here’s a simple challenge to get you started: for the next week, commit to one energy-cleansing practice each day. That’s it!
It could be as simple as a visualization in your morning shower or a quick smoke cleansing before bed.
Notice how you feel before and after. Pay attention to any shifts in your energy throughout the day.
Keep a journal if you’d like. Sometimes, tracking your experience can be incredibly revealing!
I’d love to hear how you keep up with your energetic cleansing! Share your thoughts and let’s learn from each other.
Here’s to your energetic wellbeing! May you always feel clear, clean, and protected as you move about the world.
Life is a plate… Eat up
More Energy Cleansing Resources
P.S. Want to dive deeper into energy cleansing?
- Book a Quantum Energy Healing Session,
- Sign up for my occasional newsletter below. I share more detailed practices, insights, and tips for maintaining health and well-being daily. You’ll also get a ton of free resources!