Tag Archives: nature

8 Free and Inexpensive Ways to Raise Your Vibrations

8 Free and Inexpensive Ways to Raise Your Vibrations

Want some free or inexpensive ways to raise your vibrations? If you’ve followed me for any time, you know that I believe humans are electromagnetic beings. Our bodies are a complex network of charged particles. Just like a radio antenna, we are constantly picking up and emitting electromagnetic waves. This goes beyond just the physical […]

7 Free Natural Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety That Actually Work

Natural Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Free Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Naturally Looking for free natural ways to reduce stress and anxiety that work? I’ve got you! Stress is one of the most common issues my clients face, and I always ask about it during our initial intake meeting. I find that one type of stress often stands out. […]

5 Creative, Original Ways to Connect with Nature

connecting with nature

Are you looking for creative ways to start connecting with nature? In 2005, Richard Louv coined the term “Nature Deficit Disorder” to describe the effects of a lack of access or contact with Nature on people, particularly children. Research since then has identified connections between time in Nature and improved problem-solving skills, self-esteem, mental health, […]

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