Site disclaimer:
Nothing on this site should be interpreted or construed to mean providing medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any way.
Always see your primary care physician for that, and always consult them before embarking on any new health program, starting or changing any of your medications, or using natural products of any kind.
I offer information for educational purposes only and this information may or may not apply to your individual situation.
About the recipes on this site:
My diet is neither vegetarian nor vegan so it’s doubtful you’ll find only plant-based recipes on this site. However, I’m very “plant passionate” and I certainly feel that plant-based foods should form the basis of a healthy diet.
I’m a holistic nutritionist so you’ll also find a mix of dairy-free, gluten-free, grain-free, Paleo, raw and vegan recipes here. I do my best to label each one appropriately but if you notice an error, please let me know!
All of the recipes on this site and those used in my cooking classes, workshops and wellness programs are exclusively developed by me. I’d be thrilled if you would like to share one of my recipes with your friends or website readers.
Please link directly to the page on my website and do NOT copy my entire recipe on to your own website. I understand that it makes life easier, but unfortunately, it will lead to both of our sites being penalized in website rankings. Thank you in advance!
Recipes disclaimer:
Please read this before making any of the recipes on this website.
I have tested these recipes in my own kitchen using ingredients that I have purchased. Substituting any ingredients, quantities or making any other changes to these recipes may affect the final outcome.
To the best of my knowledge, these recipes are healthy, nutritious and safe for the average user in average circumstances.
If you have a food allergy, food intolerance or any other allergy, or if you have special or specific health issues, conditions or food requirements, please read through the ingredients in each recipe carefully and determine whether or not they are appropriate for your specific situation.
All recipes are prepared and consumed at the risk of the consumer.
I cannot be held responsible for any losses, damages or other hazards that you may sustain or encounter as a result of shopping for, preparing or consuming any recipe or its individual ingredients.
None of the nutritional information, recipes or other content in this website may be interpreted or construed to mean providing medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any way.
If you have any special needs, allergies, requirements or health problems at all, in the event of any doubt whatsoever, please contact your primary care physician or health care provider before making or consuming any recipes on this website.